artist statement

I like to talk. A lot. So much, that even as a kid my teachers used to call me “motor-mouth.” I don’t think i talk as much as I did then. I try to listen more than I did as a child. And I love to learn.

I’ve discovered that talking to people means we need to be clear, paying attention, watching and listening to the person we’re talking to, to make sure we are understanding them, and that we are being understood. It’s being mindful, accepting, kind and harmonious.

I use my art more often now when it comes to sharing. I think art can have a deeper impact than words alone.

I am lucky to have been around so very many different kinds of people in so very many different situations in my life. I have learned and have grown from that exposure. I am an observer, a listener, and someone who tunes in to the feelings of others. I learn not only from the things that happen to me, but also from their experiences. I share those things in my art.

I’ve learned that for me to be able to clearly communicate, I need to take a step back. I need to ask questions -not make assumptions- when I’m not sure what someone might mean by something they say or something they do. I welcome that same response from people I’m talking to, if i’m saying things that aren’t clear, if there are questions about motivation or intent. I’ve seen how important it is to be patient and kind. Having awareness to practice kindness and honesty, also keeps me moving forward on my path to a happier, more fulfilling life.

My intention is for my artwork to help others on their paths. Perhaps reading about the inspiration behind my art pieces, or finding your own meanings, will give you something to think about, spark an idea, touch your heart, or just make you smile.